Family Law

Impacts and Considerations for Parents and Child Custody

Domestic violence is an important issue for judges to consider when determining child custody and visitation. They want to make sure that children are not exposed to domestic violence and are safe in their homes, especially if the parents have been convicted of it.

In order to determine whether a parent has a history of domestic violence, the judge will look at their past actions. The judge will also examine the severity of their acts and the frequency of them.

A long-standing history of violence is often a major red flag in a custody case. It is essential to bring any evidence of domestic violence into the courtroom as early in the process as possible.

Depending on the state, courts will generally require that parents present any and all evidence of domestic violence to the judge. This includes any protective orders and police reports that might be relevant.

If a court is aware that one of the parents has a history of domestic violence, it will likely deny custody to the person who has been accused of this behavior. It is important for the parent to be able to show that they are no longer at risk of committing domestic violence.

This may be through the completion of a domestic violence treatment program or undergoing a series of counseling sessions. It is also important for the parent to be abstinent from drugs and alcohol.

Impacts on Children

Children who are surrounded by domestic violence can be very afraid and vulnerable to their abuser. This can lead to problems in the child’s life, including school issues and mental health concerns.

It is essential to protect children from domestic violence by ensuring that they have a network of trusted adults around them, including teachers, friends, and coaches. It is also essential to teach children healthy boundaries and consent.

When a child witnesses domestic violence, they are more likely to use foul language and engage in other inappropriate behaviors, as well as become more aggressive toward people who they feel are intruding on their space. This can lead to problems in their lives, such as school issues or a future relationship with someone else.

During and after a divorce, it is critical to work with the kids to ensure that they have an emotional recovery. This can be done through talking with them about their fears and allowing them to open up about their experiences.

A good attorney will help you understand the potential impacts of domestic violence on your family and how to deal with them. They can also help you develop a support system for your children, which will help them to be able to cope with the emotions of a divorce.

In addition, it is a good idea to let your children know that you will be protecting them from their abuser and that you will take care of them. This will help them to have a better mental health, as well as a stronger sense of self-worth. For more details on domestic violence law visit