Family Law

Protect Your Rights With a Child Custody Attorney

Phoenix Child Custody

If you are in the middle of a child custody dispute in Phoenix, you may want to contact an attorney to protect your rights. A skilled child custody lawyer in Phoenix will keep you informed throughout the entire process and work to get the best possible outcome for you.

Arizona is a state that places a lot of importance on the best interests of children. This means that the court is more likely to award sole custody to a parent who is more able to take care of the child and make decisions for him. However, the court still wants to make sure that both parents are involved in the child’s life. There are many ways to achieve this, but the main one is through a voluntary written agreement between both parents.

While the child’s preferences will be taken into consideration, the judge will also consider his educational needs, his community connections, and his ability to obey the arrangement. He also has to consider his parent’s job schedules and whether or not the other parent is a threat to him.

If you are considering divorce, it is important to discuss the details of child support and custody with your lawyer. Child support in Arizona is based on a set of guidelines that takes into account a number of factors, such as the number of visits the two parents have with the child, the standard of living of the parents, and the amount of time the child spends with each parent.

When you are requesting to change custody, you must present evidence that shows that the proposed modification is in the best interest of the child. Typically, modifications are requested to address changes in visitation schedules or parental education recommendations. In such cases, the change will not have any legal effect unless it is approved by the court.

If your divorce case does not have an established parenting plan, a temporary order can be requested. These are designed to minimize the impact of the divorce on the children’s lives. They also address who will make the major decisions and where the child will live while the case is pending. It can take a few months to have the order approved, but it is a good way to make sure that the child’s life is not interrupted.

You can also request an emergency custody order if the other parent is abusing the child or if the child has suffered injuries because of abuse. The request must be filed within 24 hours and you must provide proof of the abuse.

If the other parent does not comply with the order, you can petition the court to enforce it. Your Phoenix child custody lawyer can help you file the proper paperwork. An experienced legal team can also help you obtain visitation rights.

Although obtaining visitation rights can be challenging, an attorney can help you do so. You can even hire an attorney to help you create a comprehensive, concrete child custody plan before you file.