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Tax Law

Can Tax Penalties Be Waived?- Read a Tax Lawyer’s Guide

In Louisiana, property taxes are collected every year from taxpayers who own property on January 1 of the tax year. If you have already paid off your mortgage, you can share your responsibility for property taxes with the buyer of your property. You can also pay the property tax yourself, but you can also choose to pay it in installments. If you’re wondering what the difference between paying your taxes annually and dividing them into several payments is, read on to learn more about this important topic. Contact the best tax attorney in all of Louisiana for more information.

A taxing unit can waive penalties and interest if you pay on time, but there are exceptions. For example, if you make the payment after the delinquency date, you can receive an automatic notice that the payment has been credited. Or, you can file for bankruptcy and have your property taken over by a religious organization. You can also opt out of paying your property tax altogether. Once you pay your property taxes, you will have a record of your payments and can even receive alerts that notify you when your payments have been made.

Another way to reduce your property taxes is to file a property tax appeal. Some states have relief programs for homeowners who are elderly or disabled. This is known as a circuit breaker program. These programs allow homeowners to defer payments for a specified amount of time. While this may seem like a generous solution, it’s not universally available and can lead to different tax burdens in different jurisdictions. This is because property tax assessments and appeals often favor white homeowners, while people of color face disproportionately high property tax bills.

If you think your property is overvalued, you can dispute the assessment. An attorney specializing in real estate can help you with this. Oftentimes, property taxes are paid through the mortgage payment. A mortgage lender will arrange for extra money to pay for the tax bill, and the lender will deposit it into an escrow account until the time comes to pay it. Then, the money will be put towards the mortgage payment.

If you can’t afford to pay your property taxes, consider filing an appeal. You can do this with a property tax appeal, but you’ll need to know which laws apply to you. In some cases, homeowners can appeal an assessment based on market value. However, some people have difficulty paying their property taxes. Instead, they can contact a mortgage company. Some mortgage companies will even allow you to pay them monthly if you can’t afford the full amount.

In many states, property taxes are paid on land. Improvements are considered to be “real” property. In some states, you can only be taxed on real estate. The difference between an ad valorem tax and a special assessment tax is in the method used to assess the value of your property. In some jurisdictions, the property tax exemption is based on the fair market value of the property. You can apply for it by filling out a short application, or by applying directly to your county government.