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Landlord Tenant Law

Landlord & Tenant Right: Eviction in Chicago

There is a legal system that you need to follow if you’re facing eviction in Chicago. Whether the eviction is lawful or not will ultimately depend on a judge’s decision. According to Illinois law, an eviction in Illinois must be based on a court order. The county sheriff is the only person authorized to evict a tenant. The eviction process in the city of Chicago has become a popular means of evicting tenants.

The eviction process in Chicago includes five distinct steps. First, the tenant must be delinquent on rent. Next, the landlord must notify the tenant in writing. The notice must specify how long the tenant has to pay up. Finally, the landlord must sue to regain possession of the property. In Chicago, the owner must obtain a judgment to regain possession of the property. Usually, the landlord must be in a position to collect the rent if the eviction has been a wrongful action.

After the landlord serves a complaint, the tenant must file a lawsuit in the county where the rental unit is located. The tenant must appear at the eviction hearing, where the tenant may file an answer. While this is not required, the tenant is free to file an answer with the court before the hearing date. In addition, the tenant must tell the judge all the defenses he or she has to avoid an eviction.

In Chicago, a landlord must notify the tenant in writing of his or her loss of income. If the landlord receives this information, the landlord will have to stop eviction proceedings. The notice is a valid legal document that is mandatory under Illinois law. A copy of the ordinance must be presented to the court before the eviction process is started. The court will not be able to evict a tenant who fails to comply with the provisions of the ordinance.

In Chicago, the primary law governing eviction in Chicago is the Forcible Entry and Detainer Act, which governs evictions. The residential Landlord and Tenant Ordinance (RLO) adds additional protections for renters. The landlord must provide the tenant with written notice of termination. It must also provide a substitute service, which can be a child. However, in some cases, this may be a problem.

The Illinois Housing Development Authority administers the majority of federal aid to Chicago residents. It is a governmental agency that administers the Chicago Department of Housing, which administers rental assistance. While the Chicago Housing Development Authority is a good organization, eviction proceedings in Chicago can be fast and informal. It is best to have a lawyer to protect your rights in court. Fortunately, there are competent landlord and tenant attorney that can help you fight the eviction.